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Woodbine Flowers event work features the best local flowers March 15-November 1st. See you March 15th!

Valentine's Day and our ordering deadline

shell pink rose compote floral arrangement

Valentine’s is a tricky holiday for florists in rural areas. This year, so I can give you my very best efforts, we will be filling pre-orders only. There are no locally grown flowers in Lewis County in February, so all fresh flowers must be ordered well in advance and shipped here (or in my case, picked up in person in Portland or Seattle 100 miles away, since I prefer to personally make sure I’m getting high-quality flowers).

Over-ordering Valentine’s flowers means I can work my tuckus off for the holiday, and end up just breaking even (or worse). Under-ordering means another last-minute drive to the big city and paying greatly inflated prices for truly substandard left-overs, and we all lose with that one.

Please ensure you and your sweetie are covered for Valentine’s 2024 and order now! Click the link to see the fun color palettes we are offering this year, examples of rose-rich Valentine’s arrangements, and to order. 

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